Java… does it have a future? Well not for me..

As someone who has used Java for my own development needs for years, I find it sad the Java platform appears to be falling apart or at the very least getting some bad press.

Lets consider the recent events, we have Oracle flexing it muscles and suing google over it use of Java on its android platform, IBM moving over to OpenJDK which does not help the chances of Apache Harmony ever getting license. Apple is dropping Java on the desktop… a loads of security flaws… The JCP process seems to failing.. which is a shame since at one time I was part of the JCP process when I worked in the J2EE connector group and the people I worked with where very good and dedicated to doing the best for the platform.

Come on Java get your act together…. or you will start to use customers… starting with me…

I think Java has lost it’s excitement for me, so I been on my own personal quest to migrate my own tools, classes into .Net… after all its going somewhere…

I have nearly complete my own migration.. using a combination of ikvm, reflector and bit a of patience.. so far it has worked quite well… the upside is I really like mondevelop over eclipse.. it just feels more friendly and yes I do understand eclipse has a lot more powerful but I’m just a developer working on my home time.. I just don’t need the baggage that eclipse or java brings… for work use perhaps… but for home… forget it.

Next stop the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, WII, Xbox and Android using mono… I might even have a fiddle with Windows phone 7 after all its .Net.. now what language should I use… ahh it doesn’t matter… its .Net.. ummm nice…

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