Building rsync for the pogoplug

I finally managed to get a cross compiler that works with the pogoplug, I first tried various custom build of the GNU C++ cross compiler on the Mac but none of them succeeded in creating binaries that were compatible with my little pink pogoplug.

Anyway, instead of boring you with various evening’s development woos… I will just tell you what I ended up doing which was to use VirtuaBox with ubuntu x86 and use this tar file (eg: bunzip2 it, tar xvf into $HOME)

Then to compile it I first had to setup the makefile for rsync:

# export PATH=$HOME/pogoplug-gcc/bin:$PATH
# CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc ./configure --build=arm-linux
--host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi --target=arm-linux

Then to build is was easy… I just did…

# CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc make

Next, I found a small USB thumb drive, formatted in ext3 using ubuntu, placed it into the pogoplug, logged into it, remount’ed the drives using:

# mount -o remount exec /tmp/.cemnt/mnt_sdb1

You may need to change the mnt point, use mount to find it..

Now you will be able to use rsync via ssh and use –rsync-path to point to rsync on your ext3 drive.

I required, I make the rsync exe + md5 sum available… just shout!

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